Earthful Life









今後の「食教育」の方向性を考える上で、「食べる」という行為そのものが、人間と自然とのかかわりを示す「生業」であるという視点を再認識させることが必要であるとおもわれる。 本論文では「生業」の観点を現代の「食教育」に組み込むことを試み、人間と自然とのかかわりを明確に認識させることで環境問題解決への糸口を見出すことを目的としている。



Food is essential to sustain life. Unlike the era when people lived a hunting and farming lifestyle, modern people need to invest huge amounts of resources and energy to support their diet, and inevitably, the impact of diet on the environment is also large.

As I thought deeply about the worsening environmental problems, I began to question even the basic act of “eating”. I hated “meat”, which has a large burden on the environment, and for two years, I tried to abstain from meat during my student days.

As a result, I came to realize that “eating” is not just a simple act of ingesting food that is connected to the natural environment, but is also deeply connected to the human relationships that surround us, as well as culture, social structures, changing living environments, and various values, and that each individual person is formed from the connections with these through “food”.

If we take the experience of abstaining from meat as a positive experience, it can be an opportunity to re-recognize how deeply connected we are to the various things around us, and furthermore, I realized that the perspective of “occupation” that connects humans to the natural world can be an essential element in thinking about environmental issues.

Today, while our diets are becoming more and more affluent, trends such as “gluttony” and “eating alone” are spreading, and now is the time to reconsider what true affluence is and how we should live. From a global perspective, desertification due to climate change and crop failures due to extreme flooding, and in Japan, the aging of agricultural areas due to the declining birthrate and aging population are urgent issues that need to be solved as soon as possible.

“Food education” is considered to be an effective means to recognize food not as a “thing” but as a “living thing” that is essential to humans who are part of the ecosystem. In recent years, as environmental problems have become more serious, food education has also come to be treated as part of environmental education, and its importance is increasing.

In considering the future direction of “food education,” it is necessary to reaffirm the viewpoint that the act of “eating” itself is an “occupation” that shows the relationship between humans and nature. In this paper, I attempt to incorporate the perspective of “occupation” into modern “food education,” and aim to find a clue to solving environmental problems by clearly recognizing the relationship between humans and nature.

As one method, I tried to make students realize that the act of “eating,” which is a human “occupation,” is based on the lives of animals and plants by having them experience “dissecting a chicken” through video footage, and examined the impact on food consciousness and whether they could acquire an awareness of the overall relationship between humans and nature. I also examined the educational effects and problems of this, and considered the future direction of “food education.”